Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Is Everyone Spiritual?

Ah, I figured this would come up at some point.  So, let us get it out of the way, huh?

No, I do not think that everyone is spiritual.  I'm not, so obviously not everyone is.  I don't believe in a god, but I also don't recognize myself as 'Atheist', because I also shun organized religion in any form.  I am religionless.  I feel like if I absolutely must claim a religion or spirituality, I'd have to say Buddhism.  But I'm most definitely not a Buddhist.  Not even close.

I'd have to say that I'm just, moral, and curious.  I set my own moral code.  I am offended by people who ask about this.  "How do you have morals, if you don't believe in god??" These are the same people who would rape babies and beat their wives if only god hadn't told them those things are bad, probably.  See, that wasn't very nice.  Stop asking this shit, 'kay?

So, is everyone else spiritual?  I have no idea. 

I think everyone operates under a code of morals set by someone or something. If that entity is a holier power than self, whatever.  I'm not going to judge you for believe in a ghost in the sky or his zombie child.  Don't judge me for calling Jesus a "zombie child" or equating God to the Easter Bunny.  That's how real a god is to me.  Like, not at all.  I know that most people believe that I secretly know there's a god, but I just hate him.  Yeah, that's not true at all. 

You believe in God?  Great. You don't?  Cool. You wanna push those beliefs to others? Go. Fuck. Yourself.  Let's all co-exist in this great big world and love each other.  Even if you think I'm going to hell.

written to Nirvana - The Best of the Box

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