Thursday, April 25, 2013

No, You May Not Pet My Dog

This really should go without saying, but there is no inherently "vicious" dog.  There are dogs who have suffered a terrible life, there are dogs who have been backed into a corner, there are dogs who are afraid or anxious, but there are no "vicious" dogs.

I am not the first person to say this, but any animal in certain circumstances will bite.  Or scratch. Or fucking maul your ass. 

I can't even tell you how many times I have to repel children when I walk the Mogs.  They're tiny and adorable.  Everyone loves a Mog.

Creating a safe environment for animals and humans alike is the job of everyone.  Not just the dog owners.  So I've created a list of my own Dog Rules. 


  1. DO NOT PET MY DOG without my consent.  I have an anxious and an excitable. Yes, they are cute and tiny, but they don't know you.  And neither do I.
  2. DO NOT demand that I bring your dog to you.  (I have a neighbor with, like, eighty dogs.  And whenever I walk the Mogs near their house, they're like "Hey, bring that dog over here!".  No.)
  3. DO NOT feed my dogs things.  You don't know if they have allergies or are sensitive to certain foods.  Also, it undermines my authority. 
  4. It's not cute to attempt to frighten my dogs.  How about I hide under your kid's bed tonight with a knife? No?  Then fuck off.
  5. DO NOT let your BIG ASS DOG get rough with my 12-pound Boston Terrier.
  6. If my Mogs are hiding from you, it means they don't like you.  Let it go.
  7. I spoil my dogs.  I make ice cream for my dogs.  WHO FUCKING CARES?  Maybe I should mock the fact that your dogs looks like a mangy stray?


Learn it.  Know it.  Keep yourself safe.

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