- Referring to yourself as a "gastronome" and pretending how cool you are, because you know SO much about cheese.
- Not loving puppies.
- Bring rude to customer service reps/asking for a supervisor.
- Wondering out loud in a gym "What's that fatty doing here?"
- Being an adult, but still typing like you're a fucking 6th grader. Letters and numbers are not acceptable replacements for actual words, asshole.
- Spending $150k on a car or piece of jewelry. If you can buy a house for the same price as something you wear on your finger, you should just die. Asshole.
- Your "dry" humor. Being mean is not a substitution for your shitty personality.
- Being an Internet Troll.
- Leading people on. In any manner.
- Judging people who do/do not drink/smoke.
- Being a car sales person, hearing "I'd like to find a car for (this much)", and still continuing your sales pitch for a car I can't afford. I will punch you.
- Taking video games too seriously.
- Dog earing library books.
- ANY use of a cell phone in a movie theater.
Stop being assholes.
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